NSAIDs are a class of drug sold to treat pain, reduce inflammation, and reduce fever. However, continual use of NSAIDs are known to thin the blood, create stomach issues, and reduce kidney function. NSAIDs are the most common treatment for inflammatory pain relief and are easily available OTC by brands such as Tylenol, Motrin, and Aleve. Although they are effective, there are drug interactions, they are not safe for all ages, and have side effects.

What our tester says:

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are drugs that you can purchase without a doctor’s prescription. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) are drugs that help relieve pains, reduce inflammation, cure a mild toothache, or even a headache. NSAIDs work by blocking enzymes in the body that help make chemicals signal pain. When the enzymes are stopped less pain is felt in the body. Some common OTC NSAIDs are aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. NSAIDs can be very effective and work faster than other medications at lowering inflammation. However, before using a NSAID it’s important to note the possible side effects it can have and how it can negatively effect drug interactions.

Normally, I experience very severe migraines so my go to over-the-counter drug is ibuprofen. I’ve noticed that after 30 minutes of consuming 2 tablets that are 500mg each that my headache disappears. However, over time I’ve realized that I have to consume higher dosages in order to feel the effects of the medicine working on my severe migraines. I’ve also noticed that there are a lot of side effects when it comes to ingesting ibuprofen such as: kidney disease, heart disease, bleeding, and high blood pressure. Also, you can only ingest a tablet every 4 hours otherwise there can be potentially harmful effects. Overall, the price of the product is great but the side effects can make you question taking another tablet.