This pain cream claims to “outsmart pain on a molecular level” using resveratrol.
Daily use is suggested to increase maximum effectiveness. Ted’s is my go-to for intense, burning nerve pain. I also like it for foot pain and bicep pain. Bonus: It smells amazing.

What our tester says:

Dr. Ted Price has done pre-clinical research on a molecule found in grape skins and other plants that targets pain-sensing nerves to provide advanced relief. Dr. Ted combined that ingredient found in grapes with resveratrol to make a better way to outsmart pain. Resveratrol resets the pain threshold in injured nerves cancelling out the false pain and sending the true pain signals through. Ted’s pain relief works on muscle strains, carpal tunnel, arthritic joints, and sore muscles. The directions to use the cream are simple: you apply the cram to unbroken skin two to three times a day. Some people are able to see drastic improvements immediately and some see results after consistent use for four to seven days. Ted’s is made by resveratrol a natural substance that is found in Japanese knotweed or grape skins. Ted’s also attacks pain at the source by reseting your nerves to their pre-injury state. Ted’s cream provides long lasting relief when applies three times per day for seven days. Neuroscientist Ted Price created the first product on the market using peer-reviewed research to outsmart pain on a molecular level.

A physician I constantly see for my pain management has a knack for looking out for new and effective products and suggested Ted’s Pain Cream to me. The sale point of the product is that it is all-natural and uses molecules as well. I tend to have deep aches in my legs after a long walk and I spent ages lying down to try to relax my muscles while tossing and turning. I applied Ted’s cram to my achy muscles and instantly I felt the pain slowly vanish. Besides using the cram on muscle aches I also use it on my knees when they bother me or on my sciatica. Another favorite application of this cream is when I have itchy skin. Sometimes there are intense itches that scratches are unable to get rid of and Ted’s cream gives instant relief. The tube of Ted’s Cream lasts for a long-time and has many different uses.